On Legalism of Jus in Re and the Autonomy of Private Law 论物权法定主义与私法自治精神
Two ways ensure the smooth exercise of the right of state ownership:( 1) as to unitary state-owned enterprises and institutions, state ownership is preserved while such enterprises and institutions per se have operational and managerial power that bears the nature of jus in re aliena; 在国家所有权的实现方式上采用了两种不同的权利安排:一是对国有单一制企业和机构保留国家的所有权,该单一制企业和机构本身享有他物权性质的经营权和业务管理权;
As a basic principle of the law relating to rights over things, legalism of jus in re accepts lots of praise and criticism. 物权法定主义作为物权法的一项基本原则,学者们对其褒贬不一。